Articles in journals
Submitted for publication
197. Stabilized mixed formulations for incompressible finite strain electromechanics including stress accurate analysis
Inocencio Castañar, Jesús Martínez-Frutos, Rogelio Ortigosa and Ramon Codina
196. Nitsche's prescription of Dirichlet conditions in the finite element approximation of Maxwell's problem
Daniele Boffi, Ramon Codina and Önder Türk
195. Fluid-structure interaction approximation with embedded solid-shell finite elements using discontinuous shape functions
Alejandro Aguirre, Rubén Zorrilla, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
194. A stabilized finite element method for incompressible, inertial flows in inhomogeneous porous media
Guillermo Casas, Joaquín González-Usúa, Ramon Codina and Ignasi de Pouplana
193. A high-order immersed boundary method to approximate flow problems in domains with curved boundaries
Stefano Colombo, Gonzalo Rubio, Jiaqing Kou, Eusebio Valero, Ramon Codina and Esteban Ferrer
192. Dynamic and modal analysis of nearly incompressible structures with stabilised displacement-volumetric strain formulations [post-print]
Rubén Zorrilla, Riccardo Rossi and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 432 (2024), 117382
191. Finite element formulations for Maxwell's eigenvalue problem using continuous Lagrangian interpolations [post-print]
Daniele Boffi, Ramon Codina and Önder Türk
Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
doi:10.1515/cmam-2023-0081 (2024)
190. Approximation of acoustic black holes with finite element mixed formulations and artificial neural network correction terms [post-print]
Arnau Fabra, Oriol Guasch, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Finite Elements in Analysis & Design
Vol. 241 (2024), 104236
189. Finite element approximation of stabilized mixed models in finite strain hyperelasticity involving displacements and stresses and/or pressure---An overview of alternatives [post-print]
Ramon Codina, Inocencio Castañar and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 125 (2024), e7540
188. Topology optimization of incompressible structures subject to fluid-structure interaction [post-script]
Inocencio Castañar, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
Vol. 67 (2024), 90
187. Stress-displacement stabilized finite element analysis of thin structures using solid-shell elements---Part II: Finite strain hyperelasticity [post-print]
Alejandro Aguirre, Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges and Inocencio Castañar
Finite elements in analysis & design
Vol. 236 (2024), 104179
186. Stress-displacement stabilized finite element analysis of thin structures using solid-shell elements---Part I: On the need of interpolating the stresses [post-script]
Alejandro Aguirre, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Finite elements in analysis & design
Vol. 236 (2024), 104168
185. Stabilized finite element method for modeling dispersed multiphase flows using orthogonal subgrid scales [post-print]
Hauke Gravenkamp, Ramon Codina and Javier Principe
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 501 (2024), 112754
184. Stabilized finite elements for the solution of the Reynolds equation considering cavitation [post-print]
Hauke Gravenkamp, Simon Pfeil and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 418 (2024), 116488
183. Artificial Neural Network Based Correction for Reduced Order Models in Computational Fluid Mechanics [post-print]
Zulkeefal Dar, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 415 (2023), 116232
182. An embedded strategy for large scale incompressible flow simulations in moving domains [post-print]
Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges, Inocencio Castañar, Ignacio Martínez-Suárez, Laura Moreno and Samuel Parada
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 488 (2023), 112181
181. A stabilized mixed three-field formulation for stress accurate analysis including the incompressible limit in Finite Strain Solid Dynamics [post-print]
Inocencio Castañar, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 124 (2023), 2341-2366
180. Numerical simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction problems with viscoelastic fluids using a log-conformation reformulation [post-print]
Laura Moreno, Inocencio Castañar, Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges and Domingo Cattoni
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 410 (2023), 115986
179. A variational multiscale stabilized finite element formulation for Reissner-Mindlin plates and Timoshenko beams [post-print]
Alejandro Aguirre, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
Vol. 217 (2023), 103908
178. Mixed stabilized finite element methods in linear elasticity for the velocity-stress equations in the time and the frequency domains [post-print]
Arnau Fabra and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 404 (2023), 115777
177 Finite element approximation of wave problems with correcting terms based on training artificial neural networks with fine solutions [post-print]
Arnau Fabra, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 399 (2022), 115280
176. A VMS-based fractional step technique for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations using conservative variables [post-print]
Samuel Parada, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 459 (2022), 111137
175. Modal analysis of elastic vibrations of incompressible materials using a pressure-stabilized finite element method [post-print]
Ramon Codina and Önder Türk
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
Vol. 206 (2022), 103760
174. Finite element hybrid and direct computational aero-acoustics at low Mach numbers in slow time-dependent domains [post-print]
Oriol Guasch, Arnau Pont, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 239 (2022), 105394
173. Topological Derivative-based Topology Optimization of incompressible structures using Mixed Formulations [post-print]
Inocencio Castañ‘ar, Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina and Henning Venghaus
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 390 (2022), 114438
172. Numerical simulation of non-isothermal viscoelastic fluid flows using a VMS stabilized Finite Element formulation [post-print]
Laura Moreno, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
Vol. 296 (2021) 104640
171. A stabilized displacement-volumetric strain formulation for nearly incompressible and anisotropic materials [post-print]
Riccardo Rossi, Rubén Zorrilla and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 377 (2021) 113701
170. Development of an algebraic fractional step scheme for the primitive formulation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations [post-print]
Samuel Parada, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 433 (2021), 110017
169. Stabilised Variational Multi-Scale Finite Element Formulations for Viscoelastic Fluids [post-print]
Ernesto Castillo, Laura Moreno, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Vol. 28 (2021), 1987-2019
168. A posteriori error estimates in a finite element VMS-based reduced order model for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations [post-print]
Ramon Codina, Ricardo Reyes and Joan Baiges
Mechanics Research Communications
Vol. 112 (2021), 103599
167. Analysis of a stabilized finite element approximation for a linearized logarithmic reformulation of the viscoelastic flow problem [post-print]
Ramon Codina and Laura Moreno
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Vol. 55 (2021), S279-S300
166. An Adaptive Finite Element strategy for the numerical simulation of Additive Manufacturing processes [post-print]
Joan Baiges, Michele Chiumenti, Carlos A. Moreira, Miguel Cervera and Ramon Codina
Additive Manufacturing
Vol. 37, (2021), 101650
165. Field to Field coupled Fluid Structure Interaction: A Reduced Order Model study [post-print]
Alexis Tello and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 122 (2021), 53-81
164. Aproximación del transporte de contaminantes con términos de reacción en aguas someras mediante elementos finitos [post-print]
Ángel Villota and Ramon Codina
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería
Vol. 37 (2021), 1
163. A Stabilized Mixed Finite Element Approximation for Incompressible Finite Strain Solid Dynamics using a total Lagrangian formulation [post-print]
Inocencio Castañar, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 368 (2020), 113164
162. Element boundary terms in reduced order models for flow problems: domain decomposition and adaptive coarse mesh hyper-reduction [post-print]
Ricardo Reyes and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 368 (2020), 113159
161. Solution of transient viscoelastic flow problems approximated by a term-by-term VMS stabilized finite element formulation using time-dependent subgrid-scales [post-print]
Laura Moreno, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 367 (2020), 113074
160. Projection-based reduced order models for flow problems: A variational multiscale approach [post-print]
Ricardo Reyes and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 363 (2020), 112844
159. Fluid Structure Interaction by means of Variational Multiscale Reduced Order Models [post-print]
Alexis Tello, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 121 (2020), 2601-2625
158. A Finite Element Reduced Order Model based on Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Artificial Neural Networks [post-print]
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina, Inocencio Castañar and Ernesto Castillo
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 121 (2020), 588-601
157. A fractional step method for computational aeroacoustics using weak imposition of Dirichlet boundary conditions [post-print]
Samuel Parada, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 197 (2020), 104374
156. Pseudoplastic fluid flow for different Prandtl numbers: Steady and time-dependent solutions [post-print]
Alejandro Aguirre, Ernesto Castillo, Marcela Cruchaga, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Vol. 145 (2019), 106022
155. Chebyshev spectral collocation method approximations of the Stokes eigenvalue problem based on penalty techniques [post-print]
Önder Türk and Ramon Codina
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Vol. 145 (2019), 188-200
154. Logarithmic conformation reformulation in viscoelastic flow problems approximated by a VMS-type stabilized finite element formulation [post-print]
Laura Moreno, Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges and Ernesto Castillo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 354 (2019), 706-731
153. Dynamic term-by-term stabilized finite element formulation using orthogonal subgrid-scales for the incompressible Navier-Stokes problem [post-print]
Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 349 (2019), 701-721
152. Time-dependent semi-discrete analysis of the viscoelastic fluid flow problem using a variational multiscale stabilized formulation [post-print]
Gabriel Barrenechea, Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Vol. 39 (2019), 792-819
151. Solution of low Mach number aeroacoustic flows using a Variational Multi-Scale Finite Element formulation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations written in primitive variables [post-print]
Camilo Bayona, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 344 (2019), 1073-1103
150. Computational aeroacoustics to identify sound sources in the generation of sibilant /s/ [post-print]
Arnau Pont, Oriol Guasch, Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina and Annemie van Hirtum
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering
Vol. 35 (2019), e3153.
149. Approximation of the scalar convection-diffusion-reaction equation with stabilized finite element formulations of high order
Ángel Villota and Ramon Codina
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería
Vol. 35 (2019), 1, DOI: 10.23967/j.rimni.2019.01.003
148. Reduced Order Models for thermally coupled low Mach flows
Ricardo Reyes, Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges and Sergio Idelsohn
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences
Vol. 5 (2018), 28,
147. Finite element modeling of nonlinear reaction-diffusion-advection systems of equations
Sanjay Komala and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Heat and Fluid Flow
Vol. 28 (2018), 2688-2715,
146. Stationary and time-dependent numerical approximation of the lid-driven cavity problem for power-law fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers using a stabilized finite element formulation of the VMS type
Alejandro Aguirre, Ernesto Castillo, Marcela Cruchaga, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Vol. 257 (2018), 22-43
145. On hp convergence of stabilized finite element approximations of the convection-diffusion equation
Ramon Codina
SeMA Journal
Vol. 75 (2018), 591-606
144. Variational Multiscale error estimators for the adaptive mesh refinement of compressible flow
Camilo Bayona, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 337 (2018), 501-526,
143. Aproximación de las ecuaciones del movimiento de un fluido en aguas poco profundas con elementos finitos de alto orden mediante métodos variacionales de subescalas
Ángel Villota and Ramon Codina
Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería
Vol. 34, Issue 2 (2018), DOI: 10.23967/j.rimni.2018.02.001
142. Unified solver for fluid dynamics and aeroacustics in isentropic gas flows
Arnau Pont, Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges and Oriol Guasch
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 363 (2018), 11-29
141. Stabilized Finite Element Method for the M1 Radiation Model
Quentin Schmid, Youssef Mesri, Elie Hachem and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 335 (2018), 69-90
140. Variational multi-scale approximation of the one-dimensional forced Burguers' equation: the role of orthogonal sub-grid scales in turbulence modelling
Camilo Bayona, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 86 (2018), 313-328
139. Variational Multiscale error estimators for solid mechanics adaptive simulations: an Orthogonal Subgrid Scale approach
Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 325 (2017), 37-55
138. Interpolation with restrictions between finite element meshes for flow problems in an ALE setting
Arnau Pont, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 110 (2017), 1203-1226
137. Numerical Analysis of a Stabilized Finite Element Approximation for the Three-Field Linearized Viscoelastic Fluid Problem using Arbitrary Interpolations
Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Vol. 51(2017), 1407-1427
136. Adaptive Fixed-Mesh ALE method for free surface flows
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina, Arnau Pont and Ernesto Castillo
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 313 (2017), 159-188
135. Finite element approximation of the viscoelastic flow problem: a non-residual based stabilized formulation
Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 142 (2017), 72-78
134. A pseudo-compressible variational multiscale solver for turbulent incompressible flows
Liang Yang, Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Computational Mechanics
Vol. 58 (2016), 1051-1069
133. Residual-based stabilization of the finite element approximation of the acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number aeroacoustics
Oriol Guasch, Patricia Sánchez-Martín, Arnau Pont, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 82 (2016), 839-857
132. A stabilized finite element method for the two-field and three-field Stokes eigenvalue problems
Önder Türk, Daniele Boffi and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 310 (2016), 886-905
131. Variational multi-scale finite element approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Camilo Bayona, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 26 (2016), 1240-1271
130. Concurrent finite element simulation of quadrupolar and dipolar flow noise at low Mach number aeroacoustics
Oriol Guasch, Arnau Pont, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 133 (2016), 129-139
129. A stabilized finite element method for the mixed wave equation in an ALE framework with application to diphtong production
Oriol Guasch, Marc Arnela, Ramon Codina and Héctor Espinoza
Acta Acustica united with Acustica
Vol. 102 (2016), 94-106
128. Two fluid-flow problem for viscoelastic fluids using the level set method and pressure enriched shape functions
Ernesto Castillo, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics
Vol. 225 (2015), 37-53
127. On some time marching schemes for the stabilized finite element approximation of the mixed wave equation
Héctor Espinoza, Ramon Codina and Santiago Badia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 296 (2015), 295-326
126. A three-field stabilized finite element method for fluid-structure interaction: elastic solid and rigid body limit
Elie Hachem, Stephanie Feghali, Thierry Coupez and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 104 (2015), 566-584
125. Weak imposition of essential boundary conditions in the finite element approximation of elliptic problem with non-matching meshes
Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 104 (2015), 624-654
124. Numerical modeling of chlorine concentration in water storage tanks
Ramon Codina, Javier Principe, Christian Muñoz and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 79 (2015), 84-107
123. Analysis of an unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element formulation for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics
Santiago Badia, Ramon Codina and Ramon Planas
Archives of Computational Mechanics
Vol. 22 (2015), 621-636
122. Finite element dynamical subgrid-scale model for low Mach number flows with radiative heat transfer
Matias Avila, Ramon Codina and Javier Principe
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 25 (2015), 1361-1384
121. Reduced-order subscales for POD models
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina and Sergio Idelsohn
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 291 (2015), 173-196
120. First, second and third order fractional step methods for the three-field viscoelastic flow problem
Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 296 (2015), 113-137
119. Mixed stabilized finite element methods in nonlinear solid mechanics. Part III: compressible and incompressible plasticity
Miguel Cervera, Michele Chiumenti, Lorenzo Benedetti and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 285 (2015), 752-775
118. Assessment of variational multiscale models for the large eddy simulation of turbulent incompressible flows
Oriol Colomés, Santiago Badia, Ramon Codina and Javier Principe
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 285 (2015), 32-63
117. Variational MultiScale based dissipation models for the estimation of Atmospheric Seeing
Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 107 (2015), 141-154
116. A mixed three-field FE formulation for stress accurate analysis including the incompressible limit
Michele Chiumenti, Miguel Cervera and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 283 (2015), 1095-1116
115. Variational multi-scale stabilized formulations for the stationary three-field incompressible viscoelastic flow problem
Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 279 (2014), 579-605
114. Stabilized stress-velocity-pressure finite element formulations of the Navier-Stokes problem for fluids with nonlinear viscosity
Ernesto Castillo and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 279 (2014), 554-578
113. Stability, convergence and accuracy of stabilized finite element methods for the wave equation in mixed form
Santiago Badia, Ramon Codina and Héctor Espinoza
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 52 (2014), 1729-1752
112. Large eddy simulation of low Mach number flows using a dynamical and nonlinear finite element subgrid scale model
Matías Ávila, Ramon Codina and Javier Principe
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 99 (2014), 44-66
111. A Sommerfeld non-reflecting boundary condition for the wave equation in mixed form
Héctor Espinoza, Ramon Codina and Santiago Badia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 276 (2014), 122-148
110. Error analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes problem under minimum regularity
Santiago Badia, Ramon Codina, Thirupathi Gudi and Johnny Guzmán
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Vol. 34 (2014), 800-819
109. A domain decomposition strategy for reduced order models. Application to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina and Sergio Idelsohn
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 267 (2013), 23-42
108. Explicit reduced order models for the stabilized finite element approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina and Sergio Idelsohn
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 72 (2013), 1219-1243
107. On the design of discontinuous Galerkin methods for elliptic problems based on hybrid formulations
Ramon Codina and Santiago Badia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 263 (2013), 158-168
106. Statistical behavior of the orthogonal subgrid scale stabilization terms in the finite element large eddy simulation of turbulent flows
Oriol Guasch and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 261-262 (2013), 154-166
105. Immersed stress method for fluid structure interaction using anisotropic mesh adaption
Elie Hachem, Stephanie Feghali, Ramon Codina and Thierry Coupez
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 94 (2013), 805-825
104. Anisotropic adaptive meshing and monolithic variational multiscale method for fluid-structure interaction
Elie Hachem, Stephanie Feghali, Ramon Codina and Thierry Coupez
Computers and Structures
Vol. 122 (2013), 88-100
103. A variational multiscale method with subscales on the element boundaries for the Helmholtz equation
Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 93 (2013), 664-684
102. On unconditionally convergent stabilized finite element approximation of resistive magnetohydrodynamics
Santiago Badia, Ramon Codina and Ramon Planas
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 234 (2013), 399-416
101. A symmetric method for weakly imposing Dirchlet boundary conditions in embedded finite element meshes
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina, Florian Henke, Shadam Shahmiri and Wolfgang A. Wall
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 90 (2012), 636-658
100. A third order velocity correction scheme obtained at the discrete level
Herbert Owen and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 69 (2012) , 52-72
99. A nodal-based finite element approximation of the Maxwell problem suitable for singular solutions
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 50 (2012) , 398-417
98. Stokes, Maxwell and Darcy: a single finite element approximation for three model problems
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Vol. 62 (2012) , 246-263
97. A combined nodal continuous-discontinuous finite element formulation for the Maxwell problem
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Vol. 218 (2011), 4276-4294
96. Mesh objective modelling of cracks using continuous linear strain and displacement interpolations
Miguel Cervera, Michele Chiumenti and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 87 (2011), 962-987
95. The Fixed-Mesh ALE approach for the numerical simulation of floating solids
Joan Baiges, Ramon Codina and Herbert Coppola-Owen
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 67 (2011), 1004-1023
94. Finite element dynamical subgrid-scale approximation of low Mach number flow equations
Matías Ávila, Javier Principe and Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 230 (2011), 7988-8009
93. Finite element approximation of transmission conditions in fluids and solids introducing boundary subgrid scales
Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 87 (2011), 386-411
92. Thermal coupling of fluid and structural response of a tunnel induced by fire
Bernhard A. Schrefler, Ramon Codina, Francesco Pesavento and Javier Principe
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 87 (2011), 361-385
91. A free surface finite element model for low Froude number mould filling problems on fixed meshes
Herbert Coppola-Owen and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 66 (2011), 833-851
90. Approximation of the inductionless MHD problem using a stabilized finite element method
Ramon Planas, Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 230 (2011), 2977-2996
89. Approximation of the thermally coupled MHD problem using a stabilized finite element method
Ramon Codina and Noel Hernández
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 230 (2011), 1281-1303
88. Spatial approximation of the radiation transport equation using a subgrid-scale finite element method
Matías Ávila, Ramon Codina and Javier Principe
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 200 (2011), 425-438
87. Resolución numérica de las ecuaciones de la magnetohidrodinámica en el proceso Czochralski para la obtención de cristales semiconductores
Noel Hernández-Silva and Ramon Codina
Revista internacional de métodos numéricos para cálculo y diseño en ingeniería
Vol. 26 (2010), 195-201
86. Mixed Stabilized Finite Element Methods in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics. Part II: Strain Localization
Miguel Cervera, Michele Chiumenti and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 199 (2010), 2571-2589
85. Mixed Stabilized Finite Element Methods in Nonlinear Solid Mechanics. Part I: Formulation
Miguel Cervera, Michele Chiumenti and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 199 (2010), 2559-2570
84. Long-term stability estimates and existence of a global attractor in a finite element approximation of the Navier-Stokes equations with numerical sub-grid scale modeling
Santiago Badia, Ramon Codina and Juan Vicente Gutiérrez-Santacreu
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 48 (2010), 1013-1037
83. Finite element approximation of turbulent thermally coupled incompressible flows with numerical sub-grid scale modeling
Ramon Codina, Javier Principe and Matías Ávila
International Journal for Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 20 (2010), 492-516
82. Stabilized continuous and discontinuous Galerkin techniques for Darcy flow
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 199 (2010), 1654-1667
81. On the stabilization parameter in the subgrid scale approximation of scalar convection-diffusion-reaction equations on distorted meshes.
Javier Principe, Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 199 (2010), 1386-1402
80. The Fixed-Mesh ALE approach applied to Solid Mechanics and Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems
Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 81 (2010), 1529-1557
79. The dissipative structure of variational multiscale methods for incompressible flows
Javier Principe, Ramon Codina and Florian Henke
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 199 (2010), 791-801
78. A numerical strategy to compute optical parameters in turbulent flow. Application to telescopes
Ramon Codina, Joan Baiges, Daniel Pérez-Sánchez and Manuel Collados
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 39 (2010), 87-98
77. Approximate imposition of boundary conditions in immersed boundary methods
Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 80 (2009), 1379-1405
76. Computational aeroacoustics of viscous low speed flows using subgrid scale finite element methods
Oriol Guasch and Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational Acoustics
Vol. 17 (2009), 309-330
75. Mathematical models for thermally coupled low speed flows
Javier Principe and Ramon Codina
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Vol. 2 (2009), 93-112
74. Unified stabilized finite element formulations for the Stokes and the Darcy problems
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 47 (2009), 1971-2000
73. A numerical approximation of the thermal coupling of fluids and solids
Javier Principe and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 59 (2009) 1181-1201
72. On a multiscale approach to the transient Stokes problem. Transient subscales and anisotropic space-time discretization
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Vol. 207 (2009) 415-433
71. The Fixed-Mesh ALE approach for the numerical approximation of flows in moving domains
Ramon Codina, Guillaume Houzeaux, Herbert Coppola-Owen and Joan Baiges
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 228 (2009), 1591-1611
70. Finite element approximation of the three field formulation of the Stokes problem using arbitrary interpolations
Ramon Codina
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 47 (2009), 699-718
69. Subscales on the element boundaries in the variational two-scale finite element method
Ramon Codina, Javier Principe and Joan Baiges
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 198 (2009), 838-852
68. Astabilized finite element approximation of low speed thermally coupled flow
Javier Principe and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 18 (2008), 835-867
67. Algebraic pressure segregation methods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Vol. 15 (2008), 343-369
66. Finite element approximation of the modified Boussinesq equations using a stabilized formulation
Ramon Codina, José M. González-Ondina, Gabriel Díaz-Hernández and Javier Principe
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 57 (2008), 1305-1322
65. Analysis of a stabilized finite element approximation of the Oseen equations using orthogonal subscales
Ramon Codina
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Vol. 58 (2008), 264-283
64. Finite element approximation of the hyperbolic wave equation in mixed form
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 197 (2008), 1305-1322
63. Pressure segregation methods based on a discrete pressure Poisson equation. An algebraic approach
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 56 (2008), 351-382
62. On some fluid-structure iterative algorithms using pressure segregation methods. Application to aeroelasticity
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 72 (2007), 46-71
61. Convergence analysis of the FEM approximation of the first order projection method for incompressible flows with and without the inf-sup condition
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
Numerische Mathematik
Vol. 107 (2007), 533-557
60. An algebraic subgrid scale finite element method for the convected Helmholtz equation in two dimensions with applications in aeroacoustics
Oriol Guasch and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 196 (2007), 4672-4689
59. Afinite element model for free surface flows on fixed meshes
Herbert Coppola-Owen and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 54 (2007), 1151-1171
58. Dynamic subscales in the finite element approximation of thermally coupled incompressible flows
Ramon Codina and Javier Principe
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 54 (2007), 707-730
57. Time dependent subscales in the stabilized finite element approximation of incompressible flow problems
Ramon Codina, Javier Principe, Oriol Guasch and Santiago Badia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 196 (2007), 2413-2430
56. A Finite Element Method for the Solution of Rotary Pumps
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 36 (2007), 667-679
55. Analysis of a stabilized finite element approximation of the transient convection-diffusion equation using an ALE framework
Santiago Badia and Ramon Codina
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Vol. 44 (2006), 2159-2197
54. Numerical approximation of the heat transfer between domains separated by thin walls
Ramon Codina and Guillaume Houzeaux
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 52 (2006), 963-986
53. Stabilized finite element approximation of the stationary MHD equations
Ramon Codina and Noel Hernández-Silva
Computational Mechanics
Vol. 38 (2006), 344-355
52. Finite Element Modeling of the Lost Foam Casting Process Tackling Back-Pressure Effects
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 16 (2006), 573-589
51. The Characteristic Based Split (CBS) Scheme—A unified approach to fluid dynamics
P. Nithiarasu, R. Codina and O.C. Zienkiewicz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 66 (2006), 1514-1546
50. Numerical comparison of CBS and SGS as stabilization techniques for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
R. Codina, H. Coppola-Owen, P. Nithiarasu and C. Liu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 66 (2006), 1672-1689
49. On some pressure segregation methods of fractional-step type for the finite element approximation of incompressible flow problems
Ramon Codina and Santiago Badia
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 195 (2006), 2900-2918
48. Improving Eulerian two-phase flow finite element approximation with discontinuous gradient pressure shape functions
Herbert Coppola-Owen and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 49 (2005), 1287-1304
47. Error estimates for an operator splitting method for incompressible flows
Jordi Blasco and Ramon Codina
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Vol. 51 (2004), 1-17
46. A Finite Element Model for the Simulation of Lost Foam Casting
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 46 (2004), 203-226
45. Approximation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using orthogonal-subscale stabilization and pressure segregation on anisotropic finite element meshes
Ramon Codina and Orlando Soto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 193 (2004), 1403-1419
44. A stabilized finite element predictor-corrector scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using a nodal based implementation
Ramon Codina and Arnau Folch
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 44 (2004), 483-503
43. A Dirichlet/Neumann domain decomposition method for incompressible turbulent flows on overlapping subdomains
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
Computers & Fluids
Vol. 33 (2004), 771-782
42. An overlapping iteration-by-subdomain Dirichlet/Robin domain decomposition method for advection-diffusion problems
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Vol. 158 (2003), 243-276
41. A Chimera method based on a Dirichlet/Neumann (Robin) coupling for the Navier-Stokes equations
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 192 (2003), 3343-3377
40. Stabilized finite element approximation of transient incompressible flows using orthogonal subscales
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 191 (2002), 4295-4321
39. A numerical model to track two-fluid interfaces based on a stabilized finite element method and the level set technique
Ramon Codina and Orlando Soto
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 4 (2002), 293-301
38. Analysis of a stabilized finite element approximation of the transient convection-diffusion-reaction equation using orthogonal subscales
Ramon Codina and Jordi Blasco
Computing and Visualization in Science
Vol. 4 (2002), 167-174
37. CBS versus GLS stabilization of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations and the role of the time step as stabilization parameter
Ramon Codina and Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 18 (2002), 99-112
36. Implementation of a stabilized finite element formulation for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations based on a pressure gradient projection
Ramon Codina, Jordi Blasco, Gustavo C. Buscaglia and Antonio Huerta
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 37 (2001), 419-444
35. Numerical modelling of magma withdrawal during caldera-forming eruptions
Arnau Folch, Joan Martí and Ramon Codina
Journal of Geophysical Research
Vol. 106 (2001), 16 163-16 175
34. Space and time error estimates for a first order, pressure stabilized finite element method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Jordi Blasco and Ramon Codina
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Vol. 38 (2001), 475-497
33. Pressure stability in fractional step finite element methods for incompressible flows
Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 170 (2001), 112-140
32. Transmission conditions with constraints in finite element domain decomposition methods for flow problems
Guillaume Houzeaux and Ramon Codina
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 17 (2001), 179-190
31. A stabilized finite element method for generalized stationary incompressible flows
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 190 (2001), 2681-2706
30. Stabilization of incompressibility and convection through orthogonal sub-scales in finite element methods
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 190 (2000), 1579-1599
29. Analysis of a pressure-stabilized finite element approximation of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations
Ramon Codina and Jordi Blasco
Numerische Mathematik
Vol. 87 (2000), 59-81
28. Numerical aerodynamic analysis of large buildings using a finite element model with application to a telescope building
Ramon Codina, Christopher Morton, Eugenio Oñate and Orlando Soto
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 10 (2000), 616-633
27. Fourier analysis of an equal-order incompressible flow solver stabilized by pressure-gradient projection
Gustavo C. Buscaglia, Fernando G. Basombrio and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 34 (2000), 65-92
26. A nodal-based implementation of a stabilized finite element method for incompressible flow problems
Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 33 (2000), 737-766
25. On stabilized finite element methods for linear systems of convection-diffusion-reaction equations
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 188 (2000), 61-82
24. Stabilized finite element method for the transient Navier-Stokes equations based on a pressure gradient projection
Ramon Codina and Jordi Blasco
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 182 (2000), 277-300
23. Finite element simulation of the filling of thin moulds
Ramon Codina and Orlando Soto
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 46 (1999), 1559-1573
22. The characteristic-based-split procedure: An efficient and accurate algorithm for fluid problems
O.C. Zienkiewicz, P. Nithiarasu, R. Codina, M. Vazquez and P. Ortiz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 31 (1999), 359-392
21. Finite element implementation of two-equation and algebraic stress turbulence models for steady incompressible flows
Ramon Codina and Orlando Soto
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 30 (1999), 309-334
20. A fractional step finite element method for the Navier-Stokes equations applied to magma chamber withdrawal
Arnau Folch, Mariano Vazquez, Ramon Codina and Joan Martí
Computers & Geosciences
Vol. 25 (1999), 263-275
19. Numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with Coriolis forces based on the discretization of the total time derivative
Ramon Codina
Journal of Computational Physics
Vol. 148 (1999), 467-496
18. Shock capturing viscosities for the general fluid mechanics algorithm
P. Nithiarasu, O.C. Zienkiewicz, B.V.K. Satya Sai, K. Morgan, R. Codina and M. Vazquez
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 28 (1998), 1325-1353
17. A fractional step method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations related to a predictor-multicorrector algorithm
Jordi Blasco, Ramon Codina and Antonio Huerta
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 28 (1998), 1391-1419
16. A numerical model for temporal variations during explosive central-vent eruptions
Arnau Folch, Joan Martí, Ramon Codina and Mariano Vazquez
Journal of Geophysical Research
Vol. 103 (1998), 20883-20899
15. Comparison of some finite element methods for solving the diffusion-convection-reaction equation
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 156 (1998), 185-210
14. A general algorithm for compressible and incompressible flow. Part III: The semi-implicit form
Ramon Codina, Mariano Vazquez and Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 27 (1998), 13-32
13. A finite element formulation for the Stokes problem allowing equal velocity-pressure interpolation
Ramon Codina and Jordi Blasco
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 143 (1997), 373-391
12. Finite element solution of the Stokes problem with dominating Coriolis force
Ramon Codina and Orlando Soto
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 142 (1997), 215-234
11. Split, characteristic based semi-implicit algorithm for laminar / turbulent incompressible flows
O.C. Zienkiewicz, B.V.K. Satya Sai, K. Morgan and R. Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 23, Num. 7 (1996), 787-809
10. On the computational efficiency and implementation of block-iterative algorithms for nonlinear coupled problems
Miguel Cervera, Ramon Codina and Mario Galindo
Engineering Computations
Vol. 13, Num. 6 (1996), 4-30
9. Effectiveness of block iterative schemes in computing the seismic response of buildings with nonlinear base isolation
Alex H. Barbat, Nestor Molinares and Ramon Codina
Computers & Structures
Vol. 58, Num. 1 (1996), 133-141
8. A general algorithm for compressible and incompressible flow. Part II: Tests on the explicit form
O.C. Zienkiewicz, K. Morgan, B.V.K. Satya Sai, R. Codina and M. Vazquez
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 20, Num. 8/9 (1995), 887-913
7. A general algorithm for compressible and incompressible flow. Part I: The split, characteristic based scheme
Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz and Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Vol. 20, Num. 8/9 (1995), 869-885
6. Mould filling simulation using finite elements
Ramon Codina, Uwe Schaefer and Eugenio Oñate
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
Vol. 4 (1994), 291-310
5. A discontinuity-capturing crosswind-dissipation for the finite element solution of the convection-diffusion equation
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 110 (1993), 325-342
4. Stability analysis of the forward Euler scheme for the convection-diffusion equation using the SUPG formulation in space
Ramon Codina
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 36 (1993), 1445-1464
3. A penalty finite element method for non-Newtonian creeping flows
Ramon Codina, Miguel Cervera and Eugenio Oñate
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Vol. 36 (1993), 1395-1412
2. An iterative penalty method for the finite element solution of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations
Ramon Codina
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 110 (1993), 237-262
1. The intrinsic time for the streamline-upwind/Petrov-Galerkin formulation using quadratic elements
Ramon Codina, Eugenio Oñate and Miguel Cervera.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Vol. 94 (1992), 239-262