Fundamental study of CO2 storage through microbially enhanced carbon mineralization

Large-scale implementation of geological carbon sequestration is considered a key asset to limit anthropogenic warming to 1.5 - 2 °C, as set out in the Paris Agreement. This project focuses on a viable alternative represented by injecting CO2 into reactive rock formations, e.g. basalts, to facilitate rapid carbon mineralization, and therefore increase storage security. The particular interest lies in microbially enhanced carbon mineralization: biological catalysts are utilized to alter reaction rates and further enhance carbon mineralization.
The overarching aim of this project’s research is to provide the fundamental understanding and simulation technology required to assess the large-scale deployment of CO2 storage through microbially enhanced carbon mineralization, and hence contribute to climate change mitigation.
The project brings together engineers and environmental scientists from Spain and Italy to undertake a comprehensive research program comprising combined experimental, computational and theoretical investigations.
Conceptual and numerical models are derived for understanding the dominant processes and developing a suitable simulation framework. Computational studies employ various numerical techniques, combining hybrid-scale modeling and conventional CFD to investigate the flow physics and the complex CO2-rock-biomass interactions at pore and sub-pore levels.
Complementary experiments on (abiotic) calcite dissolution are conducted at Politecnico Milano using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) that can capture three-dimensional surface dynamics at sub-nano scale (vertical resolution ca 0.1 nm). Experimental data are used for model validation.
The ultimate aim of the investigations is to use the new experimental and computational data to produce correlations/relationships for use with large scale simulations, as well as developing further fundamental understanding of phenomena of CO2-water-rock-biomass reactive flow in porous media.
To develop pore-scale coupled bio-geochemical reactive flow simulations models.
To produce correlations/relationships for use in larger-scale simulations under uncertainty.
To assess the use of biological catalysts to enhance carbon mineralization.
- Advance the understanding of biogeochemical reactive processes in the subsurface.
- Provide quantitative description of the impact of biochemical processes on carbon mineralization.
- Exploit the multiphysics models to answer other engineering and mathematical questions arising in the subsurface.
- Advance the open-source simulation technology for pore-scale microbial-mediated reactive processes in porous media.
Project reference:
10.10.2022 to 9.10.2024
Granting Authority
European Research Executive Agency
Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions - European Postdoctoral Fellowship
Import: 165 312.96 Eur
Principal Investigator:
Michele Starnoni
Scientific Coordinator:
Xavier Sanchez-Vila
Alberto Guadagnini (Politecnico Milano)