Zapata-Franco A.M., Vargas-Alzate Y.F., Pujades L.G. and Gonzalez-Drigo J.R. (2023) Improved intensity measures considering the inelastic properties of the soil via Multi-Regression analysis. Frontiers in Earth Science (pending revision)
Salas Chavez M, Cabrera Velez E and Gonzalez-Drigo R. (2023) Seismic vulnerability assessment of representative educational buildings in the city of Moquegua (Peru). Engineering Structures (pending revision)
Alva RE, Cabrera Velez E, Gonzalez-Drigo R, Pujades L and Vargas-Alzate YF. (2023) Seismic damage assessment of concrete buildings. A practical numerical evaluation including the contribution of infill masonry walls (in advanced-preparation phase)
Prats F and Gonzalez-Drigo R. (2023) Vertical seismic response of the main hook of an overhead polar crane (in advanced-preparation phase)
Pujades LG, Martín A, Caselles O., Vargas-Alzate YF and González-Drigo J.R.: (2023) Ongoing study on a scaled steel framed structure in a shaking table: preliminary results on the relation between fundamental period variations and damage. 13th International Workshop on Seismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction. 30 November– 01 December 2023. Alicante, Spain.
Tirado R.J., Vargas-Alzate Y.F., González-Drigo J.R. and Zapata-Franco A.M. (2023) Estimation of the dynamic response of buildings through transfer functions. a probabilistic approach. Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Jun. 12-14, Athens, Greece.
Vargas-Alzate Y.F., Zapata-Franco A.M., Tirado R.J. and González-Drigo J.R. (2023) Scaling ground motion records by considering the inelastic response of soils. Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Jun. 12-14, Athens, Greece.
Zapata-Franco A.M., Vargas-Alzate Y.F., González-Drigo J.R. and Tirado R.J. (2023) Reduced order models to estimate seismic risk of unreinforced masonry dwellings. Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Jun. 12-14, Athens, Greece.
Zapata-Franco A.M., Vargas-Alzate Y.F., Pujades L.G. and González-Drigo J.R. (2023) Seismic risk assessment by considering the inelastic properties of the soil via Multi-Regression models. 13th International Workshop on Seismic Microzoning and Risk Reduction. 30 November– 01 December 2023. Alicante, Spain.
PhD Theses
R.E. Alva Bañuelos (2023) Metodología para estimación del daño sísmico en edificios. En base a modelos numéricos avanzados y monitorizaciones RAR. Directed by: J.R. González-Drigo and G. Luzi. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (completed, pending assessment)
A. Martín Balet (2023) Determinación del grado de daño de una estructura mediante el análisis de la variación de frecuencias. Directed by: O. Caselles and Y.F. Vargas-Alzate. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (in course)
L.J. Lucas (-) Análisis de la direccionalidad de la respuesta de suelo. Directed by: O. Caselles and V. Salinas. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (in course)
J.P. Reyes Cancino (-) Operational modal analysis for seismic damage identification and applications. Directed by: F. López Almansa and G. Valdebenito Montenegro. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (in course)
A.M. Zapata Franco (-) Interacción probabilista suelo-estructura considerando efectos no lineales. Directed by: Y.F. Vargas-Alzate and R. González-Drigo. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (in course)
R.J. Tirado Gutiérrez (-) Funciones de transferencia enfocadas a la estimación de la respuesta sísmica de edificios. Directed by: Y.F. Vargas-Alzate and R. González-Drigo. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (in course)
N. Pantaleoni Reluy (-) Development and validation of an open-source GIS toolbox for systemic risk-assessment of compounding disasters. Application to different study areas and natural hazards. Directed by: N. Lantada and M. Hürlimann. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. (in course)
Alva RE, González-Drigo R, Ávila-Haro JA, Vargas-Alzate YF, Pujades LG, Pinzón LA (2022) Energy-Related parameters and structural damage in nonlinear dynamic analysis. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES) Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022. 8 pp. Contribution n. 7959.
Ávila-Haro JA. González-Drigo R, Vargas Alzate YF, Alva-Bañuelos RE, Pujades LG (2022). Seismic performance of URM buildings: a probabilistic approach. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES) Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022. 10 pp. Contribution n. 2310.
Cabrera E, González-Drigo R, Luzi G, Vargas-Alzate YF, Pujades LG, Alva RE, Ávila-Haro JA (2022). Simulation and analysis of damage progression in a mid-rise RC building during an earthquake. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES) Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022. 10 pp. Contribution n. 9291.
Pujades LG, González-Drigo R, Lantada N, Blázquez A, Jara JA (2022). Ambient modal identification applied to a school building in Girona (Spain). 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES) Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022. 9 pp. Contribution n. 4206.
Pujades LG, González-Drigo R, Lantada, (2022). Guía para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad de edificios esenciales (E4.2.1). IV Congreso de Consultores de Estructuras. Barcelona, 5, 6 y 7 de octubre de 2022. 10 pp.
Vargas-Alzate Y.F., González-Drigo J.R., Pujades L.G. (2022) Spectral- and energy-based intensity measures. 13th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability. Sep. 13-16 Shanghai, China.
Pujades LG, González-Drigo R. (2022). Análisis modal operacional aplicado a tres edificios esenciales: un centro escolar, un centro de atención de emergencias y un hospital. IV Congreso de Consultores de Estructuras. Barcelona, 5, 6 y 7 de octubre de 2022. 8pp.
Vargas-Alzate YF, González-Drigo R, Ávila-Haro JA, Alva RE, Pujades LG, Tirado-Gutiérrez RJ (2022), Spectral velocity-and energy-based intensity measures. 3rd European Conference on Earthquake Engineering & Seismology (3ECEES) Bucharest, Romania, September 4-9, 2022. 11 pp. Contribution n. 4040.
Vargas-Alzate YF, Tirado-Gutiérrez J, González-Drigo R, Pujades LG (2022) Medidas de intensidad sísmica basadas en la energía y la velocidad espectral. IV Congreso de Consultores de Estructuras. Barcelona, 5, 6 y 7 de octubre de 2022. 10 pp.
Vargas-Alzate YF, Tirado-Gutiérrez J, González-Drigo R, Pujades LG (2022). Medidas óptimas de intensidad sísmica e implicaciones de la direccionalidad en estudios de riesgo sísmico. 10ª Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de Geodesia y Geofísica. Toledo, del 28 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre de 2022. 10 pp.