

Laboratory of Cartography & Photogrammetry

The Photogrammetry lab is in charge of carrying out the training corresponding to the copurses on photogrammetry of the Bachelor's Degree in Geomatics & Topography, participates specifically in the training of the Bachelor's Degree in Sciences & Building Technologies, collaborates in some training activities for the PhD program in Visual Communication in Architecture & Design at the ETSAB, in the Postgraduate course in Forms of Analysis & Intervention in Built Heritage at the UPC Foundation and develops various final degree projects related to photogrammetry.

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Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering & Geophysics Applied to Engineering

The Laboratory of Earthquake Engineering & Geophysics Applied to Engineering is a UPC's service unit that supports teaching, research and technology transfer. In the field of teaching, it supports practical and theoretical classes related to its own fields of expertise in different engineering schools. As for research, it assists different research groups with the instruments at its disposal and with the necessary technical and personnel support. The transfer of technology is carried out by advising and measure-taking those companies or administrations that request it, especially in everything related to the measurement of vibrations and GPR prospecting.

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Building D2, Ground floor, Room 002


José Oriol Caselles Magallón

Jaime Clapés Boixader

Laboratory of Geomatics & Topography

Laboratory eminently dedicated to teaching Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (field training). The equipment is also used for the development of final study theses.

This Laboratory collaborates in the research activities of its own research group (EGEO) as well as other DECA research groups. All the tests are carried out outside the laboratory, basically the available space is used as a warehouse and for the maintenance of the equipment.

The EGEO research group works in the field of geomatic engineering. As it is a cross-sectional area, its own methods and techniques are applied to other areas such as civil engineering, risk management, heritage management and representation, etc. bearing special attention to new sensors and techniques for the capture, processing, storage and treatment of geographic data.

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Building A6, Floor S1, Room 106


José Antonio Gili Ripoll

Geotechnical Laboratory

The activities carried out in the Geotechnical Laboratory respond to two of the basic functions of the university: teaching and research. Since the means and human resources of the laboratory are limited, any of these activities can make use of all its resources. Frequently, carrying out tests associated with agreements signed between DECA and other public or private entities requires the acquisition of new equipment and/or the development of new test procedures.

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Building D2, First floor


Enrique Romero Morales

Laboratory of Groundwater Hydrology

The Groundwater Hydrology Laboratory of the UPC-BarcelonaTech focuses its activities on improving and protecting the quality of groundwater through experimental research that aims to study the hydrodynamic, geochemical and biological processes that occur in the subsoil. These studies are complemented with numerical modeling techniques and theoretical development to provide, together with laboratory testing, a broad and deep understanding of environmental problems, which are complex in themselves and require a multidisciplinary vision.

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Laboratory of Maritime Engineering (LIM/UPC)

The Maritime Engineering Laboratory of UPC-BarcelonaTech is a non-profit public research entity. Its objectives are the generation and transfer of knowledge and technology, research and the training of highly qualified professionals and researchers in the field of maritime engineering and marine sciences.

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Laboratory of Environmental Engineering (GEMMA)

Associated with the GEMMA Research Group, it develops research and teaching activities in two laboratories, with a surface area of about 150 m2, which are distributed in a laboratory for the analysis of physicochemical and microbiological parameters, an environmental engineering laboratory with experimental prototypes and an adjacent workshop for the manufacture of experimental systems.

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Building D1, Underground floor, Room S01 and First floor, Room 105


Enrica Uggetti

Ivet Ferrer

Laboratory of River Morphodynamics I

Located in Building D1 of the North Campus, it consists of two facilities, called Sediment Ditch (140 l/s) and High Slope Canal (0-30o and 50 l/s). In the laboratory, reduced-scale models of bridge piers, abutments, submerged panels and macro-roughness are made. Basic concepts such as the beginning of particle movement, bed stability, bed morphodynamics, debris flows, sediment avalanches, dam failure, impulse waves and other important phenomena in natural disasters are studied. Advanced visualization and reconstruction techniques of water and sediment surfaces, ADV speedometers and high-speed cameras are used.

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Laboratory of River Morphodynamics II

Located in the Agrópolis Building, it consists of 3 testing areas called, El Cubo (360 l/s), Delta (tides and deltas 50 l/s) and Dunes (50 l/s). In this laboratory, techniques of protection against erosion in bridge piers and other elements of the river, the protection against erosion in high mountain streams, the formation of deltas and the formation of tidal flows, the morphodynamics of flow bifurcations, submerged panels with solid transport, dune dynamics are studied among others.

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Laboratory of Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics (FLUMEN)

The Flumen Institute's Laboratory of Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics dedicates an important part of its activity to the creation of an experimental infrastructure in the laboratory and in the field within the area of hydrology and fluvial dynamics. It has 800 m2 of useful surface and 0.25 m3/s of flow.

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Laboratory of Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering Laboratory carries out tests for the mechanical characterization, fatigue, adaptation to environmental conditions, the effect of manufacturing conditions on mechanical properties, integrated design, etc. on specific road pavement materials. It assumes a part of the teaching load that is the training activities in the field of civil engineering.

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Building B1, Floor S1


Rodrigo Miró Recasens

Laboratory of Social Studies of Civil Engineering (LESEC)

The LESEC collaborates with institutions and administrations in socio-environmental and urban studies. The interest of the research lies in supporting the intervention processes of urban planning and civil engineering, from the evaluation of the socio-environmental and territorial impact and the analysis of the conflicts associated with sustainability, ways of life, urbanization models, landscape, particularly in the seashore field. In this way, the aim is to contribute to the active involvement of agents and society in the planning of the territory and management of natural resources. The values of sustainability and the results of the research are incorporated into the teaching of the group, generating innovation projects.

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Building B1, First floor, Room 102


Elisabet Roca

Laboratory of Mathematical & Computational Modeling (LaCàN)

The goal of the Laboratory of Mathematical & Computational Modeling is to develop new mathematical and computational models to enable quantitative and predictive science and engineering. A central theme in all activities of the group is pushing the state of the art in the mathematical modeling of complex phenomena using partial differential equations and their numerical approximation with novel computational methods. Our interdisciplinary research is organized into three research programs with multiple cross-interaction: computational methods and tools, cell and tissue mecanobiology, and natural and engineered material and structures.

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Building C2, Second floor, Room 210


Sergio Zlotnik

Laboratory of Scale-reduced Models (CaminsMakers)

The Scale-reduced Models Laboratory or CaminsMakers is a space for experimentation and manufacturing of teaching tools using different digital manufacturing techniques. Mainly, low-cost free hardware and software are used as well as traditional manufacturing tools. The laboratory explores the use of sensors in applications related to civil engineering.

It also explores the use of various microcontrollers and computers with data acquisition and transmission capacity, as well as the creation and programming of graphical user interfaces. Manufacturing includes the use of digital tools (3D printer) as well as traditional construction tools. In the laboratory, teaching tasks are developed by means of dynamic training and methodologies.

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Building C1


Camins Makers

Laboratory of Structural & Material Technologies "Lluís Agulló" (LATEM)

The Laboratory of Structural & Material Technologies "Lluís Agulló" carries out research, assesment and technology transfer activities in the field of construction.

It is equipped with the most modern facilities and technology, which makes it the center of excellence for the characterization of construction materials (such as concrete, masonry, steel, wood, composites or innovative materials), chemistry of materials, testing of large-scale structures and structural monitoring.

The laboratory also promotes innovation and sustainability in construction. Among the most notable studies are those related to the environmental impact of materials and the reuse of waste as construction material.

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Building C1, Ground floor and Underground floors 1 and 2 and Building B1, Ground floor and Underground floor 1


Tomás Garcia Vicente